Our industry


Transparent and responsible practices

Provenance is a growing movement around the world, demanding transparent, accurate and accessible information about the things we grow, make, buy and sell. End customers place an ever-increasing value on provenance and authenticity — on the sustainable and the bespoke. These considerations drive their buying decisions and deepen brand loyalty.

The AME Trace program is about working with like-minded people committed to the highest standards, from the growers to the spinners and beyond.

We aim to close the gap between the paddock and the product through transparent and responsible practices.

Click below to see how TRACE AME works




Top Maker

The Likeminded

Care, integrity and transparency

Our traceable wool is sourced from passionate growers who believe that sustainable farming practices, place of origin and animal wellbeing are paramount; it is only with care and integrity that we can deliver a high-quality, high-value product.

Through the Trace AME program, we guarantee provenance by providing transparency at every step. We have forged relationships with people who share our vision to supply, spin and sell socially responsible wool products.

“Our modern and flexible approach has allowed our company to remain leaders in market development. We are credible suppliers of fully traceable accredited wool types characterised by origin and sustainable production.”

Brand Benefits

The AME team plays a central role in the Trace AME program from farmgate to factory. We nurture relationships with producers who are proud to be part of the program. Collaborating on a transparent supply chain bolsters the confidence of our customers, end consumers and the industry at large.

Responsible Farming

AME works with a range of farmers who are committed to caring for their small part of the planet: the land, the animals and the people they connect with each day. This group of farmers makes small changes that can have a long-term impact, from looking after waterways to planting native species and conserving natural bushland. Ultimately, these farmers’ goal is to leave the land in better health.

Buying through Trace AME represents direct investment in a responsible industry, and in growers who see themselves as custodians, caring for both animals and land.